Healing your mind, body, and sleep.


Welcome to Sleep and Brain. Our mission is to help you be the best version of yourself by healing your mind, body, and sleep. We bring decades of expertise to the table, specializing in child and adult sleep and brain medicine. At Sleep and Brain, we utilize the latest technology to provide an individualized experience grounded in integrity and compassion. We look forward to joining you on the journey to a restful night and vibrant day.


Your journey

It begins with you. Like a fingerprint, no two people have the same brain anatomy. Utilizing sophisticated technology and a detailed history and physical, we untangle your brain's wiring to understand the changes in your focus, mood, behavior, memory, and physical response. Our robust analysis identifies anatomical incoherences, enabling targeted treatments. At Sleep and Brain, we individualize therapies to optimize sleep and mental performance by identifying and adjusting the imbalances.


Our Promise

The Sleep and Brain team is committed to humanizing healthcare and ensuring every person is treated thoughtfully with compassion. Each procedure and product is carefully selected to help you holistically achieve better sleep and functioning. Integrity is the foundation of our journey together, and we look forward to creating a personalized plan for you. Thank you for entrusting us with your care.

Disclaimer: Always seek your physician’s advice with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. This website's information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking help because of the content provided here.
